Recipe: Roti with curry cabbage stew

Hi everyone!

This week I’ll keep my post simple as my exams are next week and my focus is passing them. During one of the rare moments this week I sat down and just relaxed for a bit my flatmate offered me some of her dinner since she knew my dinners weren’t that great this week (again, I blame exams!). She talked to me how she would love to make a website to share her healthy recipes, so I offered to post them on my blog, since she is joining me for the vegan challenge. Let me tell you one thing, my flatmate is an amazing cook so this recipe is amazing! I won’t keep you any longer, here it is:

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First week as a vegan, how did it go?

This week was the first week for both my vegan challenge as the PIIT28 challenge. In this post I will give you an overview of how I experienced this week with its ups and downs. I did have some big temptations and I won’t lie, it wasn’t easy all the time, but it was worth it. I also went out for lunch and went to a festival so I experienced what it is like to eat on the go as a vegan.

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Why I’ll do the vegan challenge

Hi everyone! Good to see you are back at my blog!

This is the third post already! In my previous posts I told you about what I am planning on doing with this blog as well as how to get nutrients when on a vegan diet. I never told you why I want to do his challenge and possibly become vegan all together after the challenge. That’s what this post will be about. I have 3 main reasons why I want to try out the vegan diet, those 3 being, the environment, the well being of the animals and my own health. I will go over each reason and tell you why its better to go without animal-based products. This article is not written to convince you to be vegan, these are just my personal reasons!

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Hi there!

Hi there!

So as you can read in ‘About me’ this blog will mostly be about doing the vegan challenge and my experience during it as a busy student. I’ll try and update this blog once a week up to my starting date, then I will try to post every single day during the challenge. After I’ll probably go back to once a week since as I mentioned before, I’m quite busy as a student.

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