Hi there!

Hi there!

So as you can read in ‘About me’ this blog will mostly be about doing the vegan challenge and my experience during it as a busy student. I’ll try and update this blog once a week up to my starting date, then I will try to post every single day during the challenge. After I’ll probably go back to once a week since as I mentioned before, I’m quite busy as a student.

I will be starting this challenge on the first day of May since I’ll be doing this challenge for a month. This gives me a bit of time to prepare myself before I become Vegan overnight. Since I’m already a vegetarian I do not expect it to be really hard, but since I’ve been really craving cheese this past month that’ll be the biggest challenge for me.

Now onto why I’m doing this. Since my surgery a while ago I haven’t been able to go to class or work. With a lot of free time on my hands I decided to browse the internet for things to do; I ended up on Pinterest. Looking for good recipes to make, I found some vegan recipes and they made me think “Why not try it”. I really like using soy milk for breakfast and since I don’t eat meat nor fish I won’t even have to cut that many things from my diet.

Looking for tips on becoming vegan (fail to prepare, prepare to fail) I found out there are different kind vegans, which I didn’t know before hand. With this new information I decided to try the green vegan diet. Green vegans choose not to eat eggs, dairy and meat and choose not to use animal-based products like leather. Other diets included being vegan on certain days of the week(Weekday/Weekend Vegan, being vegan with the exception of eating out or with friends (Paris Vegan) and only eating plant-based products not cooked over 40-45 degrees Celsius (Raw Vegan).

Vegan Challenge logo

Picking my poison I began looking for good recipes since I’m not very familiar with cooking without eggs, and I wanted to find good substitutes for eggs and milk in recipes. Because I’m studying Nutrition at the moment I also wanted to look if it was possible to get enough nutrients in my body during this diet so I looked up plant based sources of protein since that is my main focus since I also run and workout almost every day. I found out that there a lot of foods where you can get protein very easily, a lot of plant based sources even contain more protein than a steak! So my protein intake will probably be okay. There are a lot of other nutritions you have to look into before becoming and while being vegan, which I’ll explain more in another post. You’ll need to eat more food for the same amount of calories and nutrients. Luckily I don’t think a lot of people would mind having to eat more, I definitely won’t!

Thanks for reading my first blog post, if you want to stay up to date follow my blog to be alerted when I post a new one.

Planning on joining me so we can try this out together? Leave a comment if you do :)!

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